Undervalued advice for the undergrad

Graduate into your dream job by taking the right steps in school

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Why The Bachelor's Decree?

First-Hand Experience

I recently graduated cum laude from University of Rochester in May 2023, receiving a BS with high distinction in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Business. Now, I work as a systems engineer in a Fortune 200 company.
Much of the process felt like "guess work," and in the end it worked out, so I hope to share my tips and give others more certainty about their future.

Passion for Mentorship

As a prior 4-semester Teaching Assistant for one of my classes, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others in subjects I am passionate about. Boy Scouts taught me similar skills, and I continue to mentor students at U of R who are looking to navigate the competitive job hiring landscape.

Not Just a Book Nerd

I love any and all outdoor sports - mainly rock climbing, road biking, running, downhill skiing, and nordic cross country skiing. Recently made the move from the Boston area to San Diego following graduation and have added chillin' on the beach to the top of that list.
My advice is more holistic than just "sit and study in the library all day long." Balance is important to prevent burnout and advancing is difficult without good communication skills.